They said it couldn’t be done

Mar 28, 2022

Reaching new milestones in the Chartered Marketer program

About five years ago, when I was presented with the opportunity to lead the CMA, I was warned that it came with one daunting challenge: the need to develop the Chartered Marketer designation program. So daunting that some people told me it couldn’t be done.

I love a challenge. And with the help of many talented and dedicated marketing and educational professionals, we made it happen. This spring, we will begin our ninth semester, with more than 200 participants in the program or graduated. This fall, we will launch the Insights Elective – our third elective in the program. 

Everyone involved in this endeavour can take great satisfaction for each milestone. As the program grows, the credibility of the marketing profession is enhanced.

I believe so strongly in the program that I convinced my son to enrol. He has graduated and starts a new job as Director of Marketing and Communications next month. Like many Chartered Marketers, the designation helped advance his career. 

If you are in the first five to 10 years of your career and want to refresh your knowledge and give your qualifications a boost, you can begin the enrolment process now for our spring (May 2- July 24) and fall (September 19 – December 4) semesters. Or perhaps you want to pass the information along to a colleague who would benefit.

P.S. Please join me in welcoming our impressive list of new members in the first quarter of 2022: Arimadata, Axonify, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Cineplex Entertainment, Consumer Intelligence Group Inc, Cossette Communications Inc., CulturaliQ Marketing International, Destination BC, Dyson Canada Ltd., HRPA, King Street Media, Marketscience, Nipissing University School of Business, Other Advertising Consultancy Inc., Sprout Social, uncle, and Wilfrid Laurier University.

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John Wiltshire

President & CEO Canadian Marketing Association




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